Sunday, November 30, 2014

Cool weather crochet

What with the cooling weather, I've been working on crochet the past few days. I don't have any big project I want to push to complete right now - lots of ideas percolating, mostly about small felting projects, but nothing lighting a big fire - so I'm plugging away on a couple of works-in-progress.

I have an afghan I've been poking along with off and on for most of a year in a nice set of muted colors in my favorite acrylic. I do prefer wool, but acrylic is just more practical for afghans.

Here's a view in progress - and also a link to my notes on Ravelry. Now that it's pulling together, it reminds me of Neapolitan ice cream. Which wasn't quite what I was going for, but oh, well. I like it anyway.

I'd like to get it finished and move on at this point. I have a lot of wool stashed in various lovely colorways and have been wanting to felt them. I had some ideas about a felted sculpture, but I don't have any of the colors I wanted for that, so in the meantime I might as well felty up some other little things. Gifting time is here!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Fused plastic

If you've read the novel or seen the 1990s A Room With a View, there's a hilarious scene where an adventurous Lady Novelist confronted with a damp spot of ground tells her timid friend, "Observe my foresight! I never venture forth without my mackintosh squares. At any time, one may have to sit upon damp ground or cold marble."

Now, I have a request from a Literary Adventuress who needs a mackintosh square of her own.

At first, I thought of making up some real mackintosh squares. Authenticity! But rubberized cloth is hard to come by, and plasticized versions usually look like just like cheap tablecloths. Who wants to attempt to sit with any elegance on an little square patterned with pictures of  fried chicken?

I bought some heavy-duty waterproofing spray in the hardware store, but feel a little dubious about whether weatherized fabric will last when folded and shoved into a backpack repeatedly.

So in the short term, I'll make a smaller waterproof pad.

We used to call these sit-upons in Girl Scouts. It's one of the first projects Brownies do, usually with carpet remnants or fleece or something with bubble wrap and duct tape.

This is Step 1 of my little sit-upon project - fusing together plastic grocery bags to make a thick, fabric-like, sewable lining.

It's easy - cut the plastic bags open so that they lie flat, and iron them between two sheets of parchment paper with the iron set to polyester. The plastic is fused one layer at a time, not all at once. It becomes very dense and workable.

What this might miss in true Literary Elegance it will gain in reuse/recycle hippie mom points in the refined airs of Berkeley. One hopes.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Fabric inspiration

More doodling today....
... with Miyazaki on my mind. I adore the chibi Totoro, the little white forest spirit... and the kodama, the tree spirits.

No-Face is one of my favorite Miyazaki spirits. I'd like to draw No-Face better.

But I'm also planning for a fabric/stitch/mixedmedia piece.(Now that I have some space to work.)

I'd like to build a grandma-related piece. Most of her things either went to Goodwill or weren't in good enough shape to give away,  but I have one or two pieces of her clothing that I couldn't quite get rid of since they're so strongly associated with her - especially a blouse in her favorite royal purple. I thought I would use a sampler model in layered squares to organize it with some other fabrics, then layer in some of the beads from her necklaces. I have an idea about adding images in over the layering, but we'll see. I think I need to start from the base and work from there.


I really love the work of the alternative quilter Jude Hill. There's something about the depth of the
Detail from How One Heart Might Affect Another, Jude Hill
textures she develops that is almost visually kinesthetic. I feel a very physical, sensory, sort of synesthesia when looking at her work, as though by looking with my eyes I also feel the roughness of the cloth in its layers with my skin.  I wish I could take a class with her, but instead I'll just have to let her work inspire me. Her site:

by Anja Kieboom
I also found the Prayer Flag Project site today, and am enjoying the different styles and colors of the artists' work. I like that each piece is meant to be a prayer, that there's a concentrated idea and emotion presented with each flag.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Some days more difficult creatively than others

Whoops, well, some days all I can 'make' is breakfast.

I did edit and rewrite about 165 pages + 10 PowerPoints in the last two days, which pretty well occupied me from can't-see (sunup) to can't-think (about 8 PM). I've been working on a medical coding program and also on an MBA/marketing program (for different schools), and the ebb and flow of the work depends on how documents cycle through from writer to ISD to reviewer etc.. Sometimes all the deadlines hit at once!

The subject matter experts for these two programs are great; very knowledgeable about both their areas of expertise and about how to organize information for instruction. If I weren't so lucky in that regard on these two projects, the writing would be taking even more time! Often, ISD work is also about teaching an expert in a different subject how to build skills in your own subject.

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Today... I made time to practice.(Alternatively, I guess I made music!)

Listen: djembe practice

I've been interested in the effects of drumming on cognition for a long time. There have been a few studies on the effects of drumming on Alzheimer's (and plenty of observation) which have been particularly interesting - the synchronizing effect of the rhythm and the coordinated movement seems to help people communicate more clearly, and has effects that last a little while. Rhythm improves working memory, too... and stimulates the immune system.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mushroom farm!

Well... honestly I didn't "make" this, but I'm excited about it anyway. I'm growing mushrooms in a box!

Well, out of a box, anyway. This is me growing mushrooms the way using cake mix is like making a cake.

It says ten days. We'll see!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Meeting doodle... groggy face

An idle doodle with a heavy gel pen during this morning's early meeting...

I work with course development teams on the East Coast and Europe, so some of my morning meetings are before sunup. Usually that's just dandy and I'm a cheerful sunflower. But not today.

I should have sketched in a cup of coffee.

It's a good thing this meeting was on a phone bridge and not a video conference!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Pecan butter!

I realized today that I make something every single day - every day, without fail. Could be work-related... could be creative... could be just food.

 So I thought - why not share it?

Today it's pecan butter. I toasted 2 pounds of pecans, to keep them fresh. I love them raw, but mold forms so quickly on raw nuts, and I can't tolerate the mold. I tasted them after they came out of the oven, and wow! delicious. What else could I do with toasted pecans?

Nut butter, I thought, which is easy. But I thought, yummy as plain toasted pecans are, they needed a little something. I found this recipe: Toasted Pecan Butter.  Mmm!

I have to admit, I didn't really follow the recipe; I used it as inspiration. I threw together a cup of toasted pecans, about a block and a half of softened butter, a tablespoon or so of honey, a dash of cinnamon and a dash of vanilla extract. Vrroom in the food processor! and voila!

 Super scrumptious.

I'm baking a butternut squash right now so that I have something to put underneath my pecan butter. Can't wait for dinner!